
How To Recognize Anxiety Triggers

Anxiety is a common experience that everyone goes through at some point in their life. Whether it’s due to unexpected situations or diagnosed anxiety disorders, it can be difficult to identify what triggers these feelings. However, it’s important to know…

16 Things That Make Anxiety Worse

If you struggle with anxiety, you know how overwhelming it can be. Sometimes, it feels like your mind is working against you, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to shake off the feelings of worry and…

15 Affirmations For Anxiety

If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety, you know how overwhelming and debilitating it can be. It can feel like a constant battle to keep your worries and fears under control, and you may feel like you’re always on edge….

Interoception Exercises For Mental Health

Understanding your body’s internal sensations plays a crucial role in emotional regulation. This ability, known as interoception, allows you to perceive and interpret physical sensations such as heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension. By being aware of these sensations, you…

Challenging Anxious Thoughts: Tips To Overcome Anxiety

If you struggle with anxiety, you know how overwhelming and debilitating it can be. Anxious thoughts can quickly spiral out of control, leaving you feeling helpless and stuck. But, there are ways to challenge and manage these thoughts, allowing you…

What PTSD Feels Like

Living with PTSD can be a challenging and isolating experience. The symptoms of PTSD can be overwhelming and unpredictable, making it difficult to feel safe and secure in your own skin. PTSD can be triggered by a wide range of…

20 Affirmations For Anxiety Sufferers

If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety, you know how overwhelming and debilitating it can be. It can feel like a constant battle to keep your worries and fears under control, and you may feel like you’re always on edge….

16 Quotes About Living With Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be a challenging experience for many people. Anxiety disorders can cause significant distress and interfere with daily activities, relationships, and work. There are many quotes from individuals who have lived with anxiety that can provide comfort,…

Quotes About Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is not a normal case of the “baby blues.”  It’s so much more than a cloud of sadness.  It’s a lingering depressive state affecting every aspect of motherhood.  Even greatly effecting a mother’s self-esteem and how she bonds…

41 Quotes Of Depression And Anxiety

In the United States, Major Depressive Disorder affects approximately 16.1 million people or 6.7% of the population each year. Along with the high rates of depression, anxiety disorders rates are much higher at an astounding 40 million people per year…

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